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Welcome to VarCity parents! We offer a variety of resources and information to assist you and your child in their athletic endeavors. Our content covers holistic education, nutrition advice, injury prevention tips, and guidance on managing the competitive sports environment. Our goal is to empower you as a sports parent


VarCity is committed to offering assistance to parents in understanding their child’s athletic development and fostering connections with like-minded individuals within a nurturing environment. Keep in touch with us for the most recent updates, advice, and resources to aid you and your athlete in excelling on their athletic journey. We are dedicated to providing you support every step of the way.




Community Support

Being a member of a community such as VarCity offers invaluable support for parents engaged in sports. It fosters a sense of unity and rapport among members who share similar experiences, reducing the sense of being alone. Furthermore, parents can access a wealth of knowledge and viewpoints on managing the intricacies of youth sports, benefit from expert advice and guidance, and broaden their circle of connections.


Comprehensive Resources

VarCity is a valuable resource for parents involved in youth sports, offering a range of courses, podcasts, and other exclusive resources to help them navigate the challenges of youth sports and beyond. By providing access to cutting-edge information, expert guidance, and a supportive community, VarCity empowers parents to make informed decisions, develop new skills, and build confidence in their role as parents. 



Learning Support

Online courses designed to educate parents on various aspects of sports, such as sportsmanship, communication, and emotional intelligence. Courses are tailored to specific categories, making it easy for parents to find relevant information and guidance. Accessible from anywhere, at any time, allowing parents to learn at their own pace.


Industry Experts

Our team of sports trainers, dietitians, nutritionists, and other professionals offer their top-tier services to empower members in optimizing their athletes athletic growth, ensuring they develop the physical, mental, and emotional skills necessary to excel in their chosen sport, while also providing personalized guidance on injury prevention, performance enhancement, and sustainable healthy habits that foster a lifelong passion for fitness and wellness.



Injury Prevention

We provide a comprehensive suite of resources for parents designed to offer insights and methodologies for reducing sports-related injuries, aimed at promoting a culture of safety and responsible participation in athletics. Our expert-led resources include evidence-based training programs, injury prevention strategies, and concussion management protocols, all tailored to support parents in making informed decisions about their child’s athletic journey. 



Nutrition Education

Proper nutrition is essential for athletes’ performance and overall health. Our network offers guidance on nutrition and hydration to support you and your athletes endeavors. From meal planning and snack suggestions to hydration strategies and sports-specific nutrition recommendations, our resources provide a comprehensive roadmap for fueling your athletes body for optimal performance. 

“As a parent, it’s overwhelming to navigate the world of youth sports. VarCity is a game-changer – it’s given me the tools and knowledge to support my athletes sports journey.” 

– Mark Santos, parent of a 9-year-old basketball player


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 1. 971. 238. 4530

Portland, OR 97209