At VarCity, We are committed to bridging the gap between the sports community and the sports industry. An inclusive network leveraging the power of sports to make positive social change. Our goal is to create connections, partnerships, and opportunities that benefit both sides and drive positive change within the sports world.


Through VarCity, we aim to provide athletes, coaches, parents and sports supporters with access to valuable resources including, networking opportunities and career development opportunities within the sports industry. By connecting individuals with industry professionals, organizations, and businesses, we help to facilitate collaboration, innovation, and growth within the sports community.



VarCity was originally founded in 2017, by Owner and CEO, Justin Lott. Justin was inspired by his lived experience as an overseas athlete, collegiate coach and educator. Through his experience, Justin recognized the need for resources, necessary support and access for marginalized and impoverished populations. 


Eager for change and to share his knowledge, Justin began building VarCity’s community connections both domestically and internationally. We participated in our first domestic event “Pitch Black” in Oregon. From there we went on to market our company with  “Hashtag Sports Conference” in New York, “Black & Brown Founders Conferencein Philadelphia and “Minorities In Sports (MIS) Organization. We traveled internationally to Morocco for the African Games and went to Portugal to participate in the Web Summit – Alpha Startup Challenge”. In addition, we were chosen to join the Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) based in Portland, Oregon. It was through these experiences VarCity launched their minimum viable product (MVP), varcitynetwork.com in 2020.


As VarCity continues to grow our team and community we strive to become an all-inclusive, centralized sports resource network for all populations.

Supporting Partners




The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.

 – Arnold Palmer



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 1. 971. 238. 4530


Portland, OR 97209




